7 Brain Boosting Nutrients to Improve Your Mental Wellness

Do you keep on forgetting where you last put your keys? Have you been having a hard time focusing your mind at work?

You see, the brain is such a powerful organ, but it needs to be fed properly as well in order to function properly. Memory boosters or brain supplements were created and offered for this specific reason.

Here in this article, we will be discussing 7 key nutrients that will help you unleash your full brain power and enjoy an improved overall mental health.


1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Fatty Acids is a staple brain food. Aside from being a brain booster, it is known to delay the effects of age-related cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s.

There are two types of omega-3 fatty acids namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They are both known to aid enhance mood and provide improved focus. While DHA maintains the functions of the brain, EPA protects it from damage and ageing.

🍴 What should I eat? Fish oil (directly via fish oil pills), grass-fed livestock, walnuts, beans


2. Resveratrol

If you are a fan of wine, then you’ve probably heard of this. It has been suggested that resveratrol prevents the deterioration of a part of the brain that is associated with memory called the hippocampus.

Similarly, it can slow down the decline in brain function due to old age.

Aside from that, it can also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

🍴 What should I eat? Red wine, chocolate, peanuts, and skin of purple and red fruits like grapes and raspberries


3. Caffeine

Now, if you’re the type who gulps coffee when you’re doing an all-nighter to keep you up, you would be surprised that it doesn’t just keep you awake.

Caffeine works as a brain and central nervous system stimulant. It is also known to improve one’s memory, reaction time, and general brain function.

Linked to many side effects such as nausea, anxiety, and difficulty in sleeping, caffeine should be taken in moderation and in appropriate amounts.

One cup of coffee usually has 50-400 mg. For most people, 200-400 mg per day is already enough.

🍴 What should I eat? Coffee, tea, or dark chocolate


4. Ginkgo Biloba

One of the most popular and widely used herbal remedies in the world is ginkgo biloba. It works by increasing blood flow in the brain to improve one’s focus and memory.

Some studies have shown that it can also help reduce age-related brain decline and improve thinking skills and attention. Moreover, it can be beneficial for those with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, and depression.

Because ginkgo biloba thins the blood, as a precaution, it should not be taken with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as these also thin the blood. Too much thinning can result to excessive bleeding.

Ginkgo Biloba should also be taken in adequate amount. Around 240 mg to 360 mg is just enough.

🍴 What should I eat? Ginkgo Biloba supplements


5. Creatine

This nitrogenous organic acid plays an important role in energy metabolism. By supplying energy to cells in the body and assisting in the growth of muscle fibres, you receive a boosted muscle power. Furthermore, it has been shown to improve memory and attention span.

🍴 What should I eat? Meat, fish, and eggs


6. Bacopa Monnieri

This herb that has been used for centuries is known to improve one’s overall cognitive performance. It’s especially helpful for healthy people and in elderly people who suffer from a decline in brain function alike.

For noticeable results, you may want to take 300 mg a day and wait for four to six weeks to notice some results. It should be noted that the use of this may occasionally cause upset stomach and diarrhoea. That is why it is recommended that this supplement is taken with food.

🍴 What should I eat? Bacopa Monnieri supplements


7. Rhodiola Rosea

People function more effectively when they have no feelings of fatigue and anxiety. This enables improved brain function. Rhodiola rosea gives this effect by reducing stress-induced fatigue and improving associative thinking, short-term memory, calculation, concentration, and audio-visual perception.

With regards to dosage, one must limit his or her intake from 100 mg to 1000 mg per day, but on two separate intakes.


Why don’t you try these 7 supplements to get that extra brain-boosting power? You can also browse our wide variety of supplements for other options today!

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